IQS Berlin
Welcome to the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors!
Atomic devices for timing, field sensing and communication have been demonstrated in prototypes operating in field and space environments. A major technological challenge is the miniaturization of these systems. In the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (IQS) of Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, we develop the next generation of integrated atomic devices for real world applications.

IQS News
Latest news on activities of our Joint Lab and open positions for Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. theses, as well as Post-Doc positions.
IQS Research
Get to know, what we are doing! We introduce you to our research, the team and provide you links to all our publications.
IQS Contact
IQS Berlin is located in Germany’s leading science and technology park Adlershof. Get in contact with us for any inquiries.
Research projects in need of additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing) are welcomed to get in touch with us.